Monday, April 6, 2009

Moth Health


Cranberries Give Everyone Something To Smile About

We know what you’re thinking, cranberries could help my teeth? Sounds crazy, but it’s true. Your mouth is one place where the anti-stick power of cranberry may one day come in handy by helping to reduce the amount of bacteria in the mouth. Laboratory studies have suggested that cranberries may keep certain oral bacteria from attaching to teeth and gum surfaces(1-6). Less bacteria could potentially keep gums healthy and slow the development of plaque and cavities. We’re not suggesting changing your mouthwash, but incorporating cranberry into oral care products may one day be a natural way to promote dental health. Also, keep in mind that cranberries are no substitute for regular dental care and check-ups. Always be sure to visit your dentist twice a year and brush and floss regularly.

1. Weiss EI, Kozlovsky A, Steinberg D, Lev-Dor R, Bar R, Greenstein N, Feldman M, Sharon N, Ofek I. A high molecular mass cranberry constituent reduces mutans streptococci level in saliva and inhibits in vitro adhesion to hydroxyapatite. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2006;11406:1-4..

2. Wu CD, Zhu M, Turner A, Paul GF, Farnsworth NR. Cranberry extracts inhibit growth/viability of oral pathogens and biofilms Presented at IADR 2004; 0746.

3. Chen L, Heber D, Hardy M, Seeram N, Henig S, Leahy M, Wolinsky L, Qi F, Shi W. Inhibitory effects of Cranberry on Streptococcus mutans biofilm formation. Presented at IADR 2004; 2918.

4. Yamanaka A, Kimizuka R, Kato T, Okuda K. Inhibitory effects of cranberry juice on attachment of oral streptococci and biofilm formation. Journal of Oral Microbiol Immunology 2004; 19(3):150-154.

5. Steinberg D, Feldman M, Ofek I, Weiss EI. Effect of a high-molecular-weight component of cranberry on constituents of dental biofilm. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2004; 1093-1096.

6. Labrecque J, Bodet C, Chandad F, Grenier D. Effects of a high-molecular-weight cranberry fraction on growth, biofilm formation and adherence of Porphyromonas gingivalis. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2006 Aug;58(2):439-43. Epub 2006 May 30.

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