Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)

Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a very real problem for many people who spend hours daily in front of a computer screen.

Sometimes, simply rearranging your work environment to create better ergonomics is all you may need to do to reduce eye strain and other vision problems related to CVS. In some cases, a good pair of computer eyeglasses may help you see better at just the right distance range needed for viewing a computer screen.

Read more about practical tips to ease computer eye strain, and learn what eye doctors have to say about relieving tired and irritated eyes.

Computer Eye Strain: 10 Steps for Relief
How to find a computer vision specialist, minimize glare, adjust your monitor, and cope with symptoms such as eye strain, eye fatigue, dry eyes, light sensitivity, blurred vision, headaches and more.

FAQ About Computer Vision Syndrome and Computer Glasses
Expert answers to frequently asked questions about computer vision syndrome and eyeglasses that can increase your comfort and productivity when working at a computer.

NEW: Worker Productivity and Computer Vision Syndrome
If you are a computer worker or employer, you may be interested in studies showing that computer glasses or other appropriate vision correction can significantly increase on-the-job productivity.

More About Computer Eyeglasses
Various lens designs and how they can solve computer vision problems.

Children and Computer Vision Syndrome
Your kids may need computer eyewear, too. Read more about how computer use is affecting the eyes of children and teens, and why your child should be examined by a computer vision specialist.

Computer-Related Aches and Pains
A poor ergonomic set-up could be contributing to your computer vision problems. Here are tips for rearranging your work area so it is more comfortable for you.

Eye Doctor Q&A on Computer Vision Syndrome
Readers sent in these questions, which were answered by our advisory board members.

Take this quiz on computer eye strain and computer vision syndrome to see how much you really know about it.

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