Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Robin Hansen

After years of suffering from migraines and digestive problems, my naturopathic medicine and nutrition teams at Bastyr Center for Natural Health helped me regain my quality of life. They helped me realize that my eating habits were severely affecting my health, and they came up with a regimen — I wouldn't call it a "diet" ― that improved my overall health.

Now, the stomach issues that I've coped with for more than 20 years have almost disappeared. My migraines have decreased from nine per month to approximately 16 in the last eight months. I have eliminated many of the prescription drugs I once took. And I've lost about 30 pounds in the last year.

What I've appreciated most about my experience at Bastyr Center was that my doctor didn't just sit down and start writing prescriptions. She truly listened to me and reviewed all of my medical issues before coming up with a personalized program. She took the time with me to help me understand what she was recommending and why.

Now I can confidently say, if you are committed to your health, the doctors at Bastyr Center can help you improve your health and change your life.

Learn more about the services provided by Bastyr Center for Natural Health, or schedule your appointment today.

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