Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Health Concerns | Eyes

Your search for dry eye relief is over!

If you have been searching for a treatment for chronic dry eyes on Google and elsewhere, we know that you are seeking an immediate solution for an agonizing condition.

We also know that you are overwhelmed with many treatment options.

So how do you best choose? How do you make the most informed choice?

Actually, it’s easier than you think.

Of all the non-surgical treatments for dry eyes, only the TheraLife formulation has been clinically proven to be safe and effective. No other company or product can make that claim.

Scientifically demonstrated in a six site, double blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial conducted by leading ophthalmologists and optometrists, TheraLife Eye Therapy relieves dry eyes and eye fatigue in cases where other treatment modalities fail. In fact, improvement with TheraLife Eye Therapy was seen in as little as one week.

TheraLife's treatment is a unique oral formulation that stimulates the secretion of natural, salt-based tears. Unlike eye drops, which evaporate quickly and are often messy and inconvenient to use, relief with TheraLife Eye Therapy is sustained over time. Actually, prolonged use of eye drops may cause the eye to secrete fewer tears, further aggravating the condition.

TheraLife Dry Eye Enhanced®

Treats dry eye and eye strain conditions including irritation, redness, blurred vision, burning, and excess tearing caused by

Normal aging Contact lens use Lasik
Sjogrens Medications Diseases
Refractive surgery Menopause Environment
Allergies Computer displays And other factors

The herbal extracts, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants in this formula increases circulation to ocular tissue, improves tear quality, and maintains healthy function of the lens and retina of the eye. This formula is optimized to bring accelerated relief for dry eye discomfort.

Have you tried Restasis or punctal plugs without any success? TheraLife Eye Enhanced has even provided dry eye relief where Restasis and punctal plugs have not.

"I've never had dry eyes before until I had Lasik performed in June. Doctors put in punctal plugs six times and put me on Restasis. None of it worked. I have been on TheraLife now and am so happy with the results!" - R.J. Stafford, VA

The TheraLife Eye Difference

Extraordinary Benefits

Lasting relief for chronic dry eyes

  • Restores your eyes ability to produce its own natural tears

Clinically Proven

  • 86% of patients in a Phase IIb Clinical Study showed increased tear production

More than fish oils or flax seed oils - unique, patented formulation of nutrients, phytochemicals, and proprietary herbal extracts that

  • Improves ocular micro-circulation - to deliver more nutrients and oxygen to the eye while carrying out more harmful waste products
  • MitoActivation - to boost intracellular metabolism and restore normal cell function

Keeps your eyes healthier, stronger, and feeling younger

  • Revitalizes and strengthens the eye's capillaries
  • Anti-inflammatory agents to reduce irritation and inflammation of the tear glands, eye surface, and eyelids
  • Contains all the anti-oxidant ingredients in the National Eye Institutes Age Related Macular Degeneration Study (AREDS)

Safe, 100% pure, natural ingredients

100% satisfaction guaranteed

On-Line Price $39.95 for 2 bottles (120 capsules)

Retail Price $44.95

Dosage Instructions for TheraLife Eye Treatment

TheraLife Eye Product Brochure

Compare Theralife® Eye Therapy With Other Competitive Treatments

Click Here to Submit Questions or Comments Online

Beta-Carotene An antioxidant that can be converted into Vitamin A, which is crucial for healthy eyes, bones, hair and skin. It protects the brain cells from free radical damage, and maintains eye structures such as the retina.
Vitamin E It protects cell membranes, proteins, fats, and Vitamin A from destructive oxidation. Vitamin E preserves Vitamin A in the eyes, protects red blood cells, and boosts the nervous system and immune system.
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) An antioxidant that inhibits the formation of nitrosamines (a suspected carcinogen). Vitamin C helps to maintain bones, teeth, hair, nails, and blood vessels. Works together with Vitamin E and Beta Carotene to deactivate free radicals.
Riboflavin (B 2) This vitamin is necessary for healthy eyes and skin.
Zinc A mineral that is important in healing wounds.
Copper Required for red blood cell and hemoglobin formation and acts in enzyme systems.
Selenium An antioxidant that stabilizes vitamin E.
L-Carnitine This vitamin increases circulation and metabolism in the body.
Fructus Lycii Known as the "eye-brightening herb", it is used for poor eyesight, eyestrain, cataracts, glaucoma, and other eye disorders. The fruit provides antioxidant protection for the eyes against free radicals.
Billberry This herb helps the eyes and cardiovascular system by stimulating and increasing overall circulatory health.
Chrysanthemum This is an "eye-brightening herb" that is often used in conjunction with Fructus Lycii to treat eye conditions. It improves blood circulation, has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory affects.
Notoginsheng Notoginseng is used to treat wounds and soft tissue injuries. It aids the healing of wounds, bruises, and improves blood flow.

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