Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Home Allergy Treatment

A salt-water nasal wash can be an effective way to provide immediate relief from nasal congestion and excess mucus from allergies, sinus problems and the common cold. The salt-water solution can easily be made by dissolving 1/2 teaspoon of non-iodized salt into 1 cup of warm water (too much salt can irritate and sting the nasal membranes).

Patients use a variety of methods to help spray the saline solution deep in the sinuses, including a Neti Lota Pot (available at Bastyr Dispensary) or a Waterpik with a sinus irrigator tip attachment (available online at www.waterpik.com). Some people also use a medicine dropper or a bulb syringe. Tilt your head slightly back and to one side. Allow the solution to flow into one nostril, around the septum (the cartilagenous tissue separating the nostrils) and out of the other nostril. This will dissolve mucus and draw out excess fluid. This nasal wash can be used as needed up to four times per day.

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