Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Nature’s 8 Perfect Physicians

God has ordained laws for the government, notonly of living beings, but of all the operations of nature. Everything is under fixed laws, which cannot be disregarded. . . .”—Patriarchs and rophets, It is the publishers firm belief that acquiring and maintaining good health has verything to do with lifestyle choices. The daily, consistent application of the eight laws of health introduced herein will reward us greatly with improved health and happiness. These eight laws govern the whole man-socially, physically, and spiritually. If the whole man is attended to, only then can true happiness and abundant health be the result. Even in the case where disease has taken a foothold in the body, the first step in restoring health is through the proper application of the eight laws of health without the use of prescription and over-the-counter “medications”. Only as a last effort should one need to resort to the use of drugs. These would be in such as cases as massive infections, major trauma, or conditions where simple remedies and herbs fail to work. It has been recommended that:“Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power,—these are the true remedies.”—Ministry of Healing, “Nature will want some assistance to bring things to their proper condition, which may be found in the
simplest remedies, especially in the use of nature’s own furnished remedies— pure air, and with a precious knowledge of how to breathe; pure water, with a knowledge how to apply it; plenty of sunlight in every room in the house if possible, and with an intelligent knowledge of what advantages are to be gained by its use. All these are powerful in their efficiency, and the patient who has obtained a knowledge of how to eat and dress healthfully may live for comfort, for peace, for health, and will not be prevailed upon to put to his lips drugs, which, in the place of helping nature, paralyzes her powers. If the sick and suffering will do only as well as they know in regard to living out the principles of health reform perseveringly, then they will in nine cases out of ten recover from their ailments.”—Medical Ministry, The following statements were made over a hundred years ago with regards to the eight laws of health. Science is only now catching-up with research to substantiate these statements as quoted from the writings of Mrs. Ellen G. White, one of the foremost health reformers and temperance leaders in her day (1828-
1915). To her credit and God’s glory, this remarkable God-fearing woman is the most translated
woman writer in the entire history of literature and one of the cofounders of the Seventh Day
Adventist Church. The listing below is merely a sampling to acquaint the reader with some of the wealth of counsels offered by Mrs. White’s writings. The end of this article lists some of her most influential works on health reform with locations where you can locate copies at a very reasonable cost.

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